Gain Clarity,

Unlock Potential,

and Secure Sustainability for Your Nonprofit

We all have blind spots.

Getting an outside perspective can facilitate breakthroughs, provide fresh insights, and set the right direction for success. As a nonprofit leader, it's crucial to take the time to assess your organization's progress regularly. That's why we offer you a powerful tool to do just that – our Nonprofit Growth and Success Self-Assessment which uses a diagnostic approach of a lifecycle as it relates to a nonprofit.

A Two-Step Approach to Growth:

Our Nonprofit Growth and Success Self-Assessment consists of two easy steps, designed to empower you with valuable insights and a clear roadmap for your organization's success.

Step One: The 10-Minute Questionnaire

This is to understand your organization's strengths and areas for improvement. We look into your organization's history, management, governance, and operations, while aligning everything with your vision, mission, objectives, and goals.

Step Two: The 45-Minute 1:1 Consult*

We will schedule a 45-minute consultation session with you via email. During this session, I'll go over the findings, identify opportunities, and recommend tailored strategies to strengthen your organization and set it on the trajectory to sustainability.

Why Assessment Matters:

Leading a nonprofit is a fulfilling journey, and it is challenging, especially when you feel stuck or overwhelmed. Many nonprofit leaders face similar obstacles and wonder how to overcome them effectively. Stepping back to self-assess and listening to expert advice for your organization is a priority. Take this step today and get that clarity and insight that will give you peace of mind.

Invest in Your Nonprofit's Future Today

Success begins with understanding where you stand today, so you can create a better tomorrow for your organization, the people you serve, and the causes you champion.

Our Nonprofit Growth and Success Self-Assessment is your gateway to gaining clarity, unlocking your organization's potential, and securing insight to set it on a path to long-term sustainability. Our approach is purely diagnostic and there are no right or wrong answers.

Don't miss this opportunity to make a lasting impact in your community. Embrace the chance to uncover the potential your organization holds and chart a course for lasting success.

Click below to purchase the Nonprofit Growth and Success Self-Assessment package and take the first step toward transforming your nonprofit's future.

© 2023 For The Philanthropist